How Can I Find Affordable Storage Near Me?

By Glenna MacDougal

June 16, 2020

Storage Near Me

The average North American household contains approximately 300,000 items! With that many possessions, it’s no wonder that you might occasionally need room to store some of them. Perhaps you’re subletting your place, and need to make space for the tenants. Maybe you’re renovating and need a temporary place for some of your furniture. Or maybe you just need to free up space in your home that’s currently being taken up with seasonal sports equipment like golf clubs, bicycles, or skis. Whether you need space for boxes of books, household equipment, your extensive collection of salt-and-pepper shakers, or even a boat, you may be able to find storage near you at a fraction of the cost of a traditional storage unit.

Space Sharing in Your Neighbourhood

The sharing economy has opened up all kinds of opportunities for society. Technology allows us to match people who need a service with people who can provide it. Examples abound, and more “sharing” enterprises are springing up every year. People find accommodation through Airbnb, or book a ride with Über; they find dogsitters, clothing, and tools in their neighbourhood by using companies in the sharing economy environment. Because these services are coordinated via an internet platform, overhead costs are low. This can mean substantial savings for the customer.

Not only is this type of enterprise good for your wallet, it’s also good for the environment. Instead of creating new infrastructure and resources, the sharing economy makes use of existing resources that are currently underused. And it’s good for the community, too. By meeting neighbours and working together, you build trust in the community – and you may make new friends!

How It Works

To find storage space in your area, look for a company that specializes in space sharing, rather than a platform that facilitates all sorts of transactions. A space sharing company will have the knowledge and experience you want to help you ensure that your items are stored safely.

The process is relatively simple, and most of it can be done online. Simply register with a space sharing company – registration should be free – and enter the type of storage space you’re looking for. The platform should provide you with options for storage in your neighbourhood. Choose the one you want, and wait for a response from the host. If you both agree, the company will provide you with a legal agreement that both of you will sign. It will stipulate the rules for your rental, including a list of the items that will be stored, and details of how you’ll access the space. (Full access means that you’ll have a key and 24/7 access; partial access requires you to visit the site with the host, and must be arranged in advance.) In the event that there are any difficulties with the arrangement, the company is available for advice and help.

If you need self-storage, why not investigate the space sharing options near you? The 21st century sharing economy is challenging traditional concepts of how to do business, and is changing the world in the process. 

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